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Getting Coverage

Learn How To Find and Get The Right Health Insurance

Using Your Coverage

Learn How to Get the Most Out of Insurance And What It Covers

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Learn About Healthcare Costs and How to Best Manage Them

Helpful Articles

What Will Happen if I Go to the Hospital Without Insurance?

If you end up at the hospital without health insurance, doctors are required to ...

How to Keep Your Doctor When Your Health Insurance Changes

Your doctor knows your medical history, and you’re confident that he or she ha...

What To Do If You Overestimate Your ACA Subsidy

If you overestimate your healthcare premium tax credit (ACA subsidy), you may ha...

Can I Get Health Insurance with Preexisting Conditions?

Under the Affordable Care Act, you're able to get a major health insurance plan ...

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Latest Articles

What Is Telehealth?

Now, technology lets you speak with a medical professional anywhere at any time. The wait to see a doctor is o...

What Is a Drug Formulary?

A drug formulary is a list of prescription drugs covered by your health insurance plan. Medications are typica...