Lost Medicaid Coverage? Don't Fret

Learn About Next Steps and How You Can Stay Insured

Medicaid for Non-US Citizens

You May Qualify – Learn About Eligibility and Other Requirements

Need Temporary Health Coverage?

Learn If Short-Term Health Insurance Makes Sense for You

Can You Afford a Broken Leg?

You’re healthy, active and don’t visit the doctor too often, does that mean ...

What To Do If You Overestimate Your ACA Subsidy

If you overestimate your healthcare premium tax credit (ACA subsidy), you may ha...

7 Healthcare Options If You Lose Your Obamacare Subsidy

Under the Senate’s new proposed healthcare bill, 24 million Americans may lose...

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Medicaid Expansion

As of February 2021, 38 states and Washington D.C. had expanded Medicaid With the goal…

What Is Medicaid?

Medicaid is a social welfare program designed to provide healthcare coverage for the poor in…