Preventive Care for Pregnant Women

Healthcare Compliance Writer

Updated on November 8th, 2021

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What You Need to Know

Pregnant moms get many free screenings and benefits when covered by a qualified health plan 

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandated states and insurance plans to include these services with marketplace plans.

Covered services cover a wide range from screenings to breastfeeding supplies. 

Preventive Care for Pregnant Women

Pregnant moms can get nearly a dozen screenings and breastfeeding support at no extra charge from health insurance if they use in-network doctors.

ACA plans are required to offer preventive care benefits for pregnancy, maternity and newborn care should the expecting mom need additional tests or support based on past or current medical history.

What does that mean?

You don’t pay anything out of pocket for preventive care as it relates to your pregnancy. No copay. No coinsurance. Didn’t reach your deductible? No problem. That doesn’t apply here either if your doctor deems additional screening medically necessary.

Read more for the services you’re entitled if you have an ACA-compliant plan.

Covered Services If You May Become Pregnant

Folic acid

Folic acid is essential for you and your baby. Why? Folic acid can help prevent birth defects. It’s vital to take at the start of your pregnancy.

Gestational Diabetes Screening

Some pregnant women develop this kind of diabetes. If you do have it, it could put you or your baby at risk. If you’re pregnant, you receive this test as part of your regular prenatal care sometime between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy.

Hepatitis B Screening

If you’re pregnant, you get a Hepatitis B test on your first visit. Why? If you have this virus, which is a liver infection, you can pass it on to your child at birth. Early detection allows your doctor to prepare vaccinations to treat any potential infection in your baby.

Preeclampsia Prevention and Screening

Preeclampsia is a series of conditions that occur in the middle or latter part of your pregnancy. It’s characterized by high blood pressure, swelling, and protein in your urine.
If you are at high risk, your doctor may tell you to take aspirin to prevent it. It can be dangerous for you and your baby. So regular checkups during pregnancy are essential.

Covered Services If You Are Pregnant or Gave Birth

Breastfeeding Support

You get access to counseling and supplies through the Affordable Care Act. Trouble breastfeeding your baby? Speak with a lactation consultant. Worried about pumping or storing your breast milk for your child? Insurance will pay for the pump and bottles. Your insurance plan will also provide you with one free breast pump, either rented or purchased, at no additional cost.

Maternal Depression Screening

Depression during or after pregnancy is a real and challenging thing for many. The Affordable Care Act guarantees access to a doctor (OB/GYN or pediatrician) of your choice to talk about it and get tested. If they find you need more help, the law also guarantees treatment through your insurance. 

Anemia Screening

You will get tested for iron deficiency and other types of anemia during prenatal and follow-up visits. Anemia could slow your baby’s growth. If found to have it, your doctor will discuss treatment options. 

Rh Incompatibility Screening

Test the compatibility of you and your baby’s blood. If you have Rh-negative blood, but your child is Rh-positive, your body may create antibodies that attack your child’s blood and potentially harm them. Screenings catch this incompatibility. Several treatment options exist. 

Syphilis Screening

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that could be passed from mom to baby during pregnancy. If untreated, babies could be stillborn or die due to the infection after birth. Babies born with the disease can also be born with bone damage, anemia, and nerve problems, among other issues.

Urinary Tract or Other Infection Screening

An untreated urinary tract infection in a woman could cause kidney problems in a pregnant woman. That could lead to premature or preterm labor and births and a low birth weight baby. If found, your doctor can safely treat the infection with antibiotics.

Tobacco Use screening and Interventions

Smoking while pregnant can lead to a host of health problems for your unborn child. You have access to resources and help to help you quit.



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