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Health Insurance Options for Louisiana Students

Healthcare Writer

Published on March 12th, 2021

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What You Need to Know

You must invest in health insurance if you’re a college student in Louisiana, regardless of your age or health status. 

You can obtain coverage through the Affordable Care Act if you apply with your parents, by yourself, or for a federal subsidy. 

If you have a low income, Medicaid and LaCHIP may be good options for you. 

Health insurance is worth the investment, even if you’re a young and healthy college student in Louisiana. Without it, you may face significant medical expenses in the event of an illness or injury. Since there are several health insurance options for Louisiana students, you can choose the right one for your personal situation. 

Why Louisiana Students Need Health Insurance

Health insurance can save you thousands of dollars as a Louisiana college student. You may use it for doctor visits and to help make treatments and medications more affordable. It’s important to note, however, that your plan may not cover every medical expense in full. And depending on the plan you go with, you may have to pay expensive premiums every month or year. 

What to Consider When Searching for Student Health Coverage in  Louisiana

There are several questions to ask yourself before you look for student health insurance in Louisiana including:

  • Will You Attend School In-State or Out of State? Whether or not your college is in Louisiana will determine the plans at your disposal. 
  • Can Someone Claim You as a Dependent? As long as you’re under 26, your parents or legal guardians can claim you as a dependent. 
  • Will You Stay on Your Parents’ Plan or Enroll in Your Own Plan? Your parents may keep you on their plan until your 26th birthday or you may enroll in your own plan. 
  • Which Plans Are Cheaper? Health insurance can be costly so it’s smart to consider cheaper options that fit in well with your budget. 
  • Which Plans Offer Better Coverage? Coverage varies from plan to plan, making it vital to choose one that will pay for more of your medical expenses. 
  • What If You Skip Health Insurance? If you don’t opt for health insurance, figure out how you’ll cover your medical care. 
  • What Are the Health Insurance Rules in Louisiana? Get to know the unique health insurance rules in Louisiana as they differ from those in other states.

How to Get Covered Under Your Parents’ Plan in Louisiana

If you’re under age 26, your parents can add you to their health insurance plan. While this may seem like the ultimate solution, keep in mind that it may cost more than other options. Also, if you go to college in a different state, your parents’ plan may cover less than it normally would for you. But if it’s network-based, you’ll be able to visit healthcare providers in your college state. 

How to Get Covered Under Your School Plan in Louisiana

Your college may offer a Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). At Tulane University, for example, there is a UnitedHealthcare plan that costs $2,820 for the entire academic year. It offers affordable access to healthcare providers in New Orleans, on-campus healthcare services, and prescription fulfillment on its uptown campus.1

Louisiana State University (LSU) also offers SHIP through UnitedHealthcare for an annual cost of $2,728.2 It covers 80% of medical expenses when students use in-network providers. LSU’s plan also pays for 100% of preventive services like routine physicals and exams with in-network providers. 

If you opt for SHIP, check to make sure your plan offers essential benefits that are defined in the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

How to Get Covered through the Affordable Care Act in New  Louisiana

You can choose a number of health insurance options through the ACA in Louisiana, including:

  • Apply with your parents. If your parents have health insurance, they can add you to their plan if you’re under 26. This is an option even if you’re married, support yourself financially, or live in a state other than Louisiana. 
  • Apply by yourself. Since Louisiana uses, the federal healthcare insurance marketplace, you can go there to enroll in your own plan. You’ll find a plethora of plans at various prices.3
  • Apply for federal subsidy. If you earn between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level, you’re eligible for ACA’s federal subsidy, which caps how much you pay for your premiums.4

How You Get Covered through Medicaid or LaCHIP in Louisiana

  • Medicaid: Medicaid is a federally funded, state-run program for Americans with low incomes. If your parents don’t claim you as a dependent on their tax return and you pay for your own health insurance, it may be available to you. You can visit Louisiana’s Medicaid website for more information. 5
  • LaCHIP: The Louisiana Children’s Health Insurance Program (LaCHIP) offers health coverage to uninsured children who are age 19 and under. It pays for hospital care, prescriptions, shots, and more. If you don’t qualify for Medicaid, LaCHIP is worth considering. 6

Other Options for Coverage in  Louisiana

  • Catastrophic health plan: If you experience a family death, file for bankruptcy, receive a shut-off notice from your utility provider, or face another hardship exemption, a catastrophic health plan may be a good option. It’s designed for those over age 30 who choose high-deductible coverage for medical emergencies. 
  • Short-term health insurance: Temporary health insurance or short-term health insurance is temporary coverage for when you have a lapse in permanent coverage. It may be cheaper than an ACA plan, but may exclude preventive services and other vital benefits.  

Resources for Louisiana Students

These resources to help you find the right student health insurance plan in Louisiana: 

Next Steps

Looking for Louisiana student health insurance? We’re here to help! Enter your zip code to see all of the options available to you. We can help make it easy and convenient to search for student health insurance in The Pelican State. 

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  1. “Tulane-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan (T-SHIP).” Tulane University. Accessed February 2021.

  2. “Louisiana State University Student Health Insurance Plan Frequently Asked Questions.” Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Accessed February 2021.

  3. Accessed February 2021.

  4. “Subsidized Coverage.”, Accessed February 2021

  5. “Louisiana Medicaid.” Louisiana Department of Health. Accessed February 2021.

  6. “LaCHIP.” Louisiana Department of Health. Accessed February 2021.